I've been asked lately what it means to be a yogi . That got me thinking! How do i answer such an __apparent__ simple question in a way that is applicable to today's life? I've met so many "yogis" while traveling through India. Men and women telling me they follow the path of yoga, they practice asana ( postures ), live a simple life free of frivolous material things, share their passion for this ancient practice, read yogic texts, meditate, chant mantras, and pray. DO these habits make them yogis? I heard one of my teachers say the other day, "a yogi is someone who cares". Yes, a human being who genuinely cares about others, who willingly participates in creating __or co-creating__for the greater good of all is a yogi... or is he? i used to call myself a yogini, until just recently one of my very dear friends pointed out to me that i am not . Having left most of my possessions behind, having disconnected myself__ at least physically__ from...
Life as a traveling yogini