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Showing posts from December, 2019

On doing the right thing

I want to share a secret with you.  Sometimes I ask myself, “What does it mean to be right’?  To do what is the “proper” thing to do. Do you? I mean, do you ask yourself the same question? And if/when you do, where does your answer come from? Your heart? Your brain? A little of both? A lot of both? Tell me, I want to know.  The yogis teach us to share the truth, to speak it from a place of love even if it hurts – you or the person hearing it – but is it the right thing to do? Is making the “right” decision supposed to make you feel “good” to make you feel like you are in the correct space, the one that is expected of you? But by whom? Yourself? YourSelf with capital S? Your parents, your children, your siblings, social media, your significant other, society? Who?  Do you know the answer to these questions? Do you find yourself lost at times in the land of repeating the same scenarios over and over in your head, so th...