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How will yoga and meditation help you relax?

Since the pandemic came out in January, I’ve read a lot of posts on social media platforms about how exhausting this whole new norm is.

 I feel we all share the same sentiment! 


More than the physical exhaustion is the mental battle that all of us are going through. Definitely, stressful! 

So, how do we pull it all together- family, career, friends- during these times? 

Can we do something to somehow divert our energy even for a while? 

Is there a technique to help us better relax amidst all the uncertainties surrounding us?


To cope with stress there are those who exercise, drink supplements, take a vacation, explore new hobbies, indulge in unhealthy habits, just to list some options. 

While all these are definitely possibilities, 

I’d like to share with you something you can do without getting out of 

your house- yoga and meditation, 

two of the most basic ways to fight tension and worry.

Here are 4 benefits of practicing yoga and meditation


Mind Focus

Practicing yoga and meditation eases the mind. 

Our mind feels overwhelmed when we are stressed and, in that state, most of us feel anxious and frantic. 

Yoga and meditation can help with mental focus, as they help ease the mind and let the brain focus on one problem at a time. 

The more you practice yoga and meditation, the more you are helping yourself to choose what to focus on and where to spend your energy.


Physical Relaxation


Meditation soothes our body by reducing muscle tension. 

Generally, it has a calming effect on our whole being. 

When we are stressed, we find ourselves physically drained and tired. 

This happens because the energy flowing within is not in consonance with our whole system. 

Yoga and meditation help balance the energy flow in and out of ourselves. Their techniques help the body invite positive energy in and expel negative energy out.


Mind and Body Harmony

Meditating produces a harmonious correlation between mind/body, uniting them both to create a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. 

The body transmits signals to our mind when it catches an off-balance in its surroundings caused by being under stress. 

By practicing the physical poses of yoga (asana) we create peacefulness in the body followed by harmony in the mind, with just a few minutes of meditation. 


Zero Negative Emotional Energy


When we are anxious and stressed emotions like anger, fear, and even guilt arise. 

These negative reactions produce tension that is often released in shouting and rage. With yoga and meditation, the negative emotional energy is lost along the process. 

Balancing your breathing as well is key to easing your thoughts, calming your anger, and feeling less pressured: in fact, with mindful breathing, you are already letting out frustrations.


Yoga and meditation are basic, yet strongly effective ways to make ourselves calm and stress-free, in any situation; they are especially necessary during this pandemic. 

Make them a part of your daily routine and experience all of their life-changing benefits.

 Discipline and dedication, though, are critical values to experience the many benefits of these ancient techniques. 





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