Anxiety. If you suffer from it you know it’s not easy to deal with this state of mind/heart. When you are anxious it seems impossible to think clearly to manage even the simplest task. I hear ya! So, what can you do? Start with your breath. It may seem obvious, yet when anxiety takes over it makes it difficult to even inhale and exhale properly. Your breath is one of the most powerful tools you have available at all times and deep breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, the system that slows the heart rate and relaxes your muscles. The way you breathe affects your mind/body as they are always connected and depending on each other. You can calm your mind and relax your body simply by breathing slowly and deeply. As you start with the inhale followed by the exhale, do it mindfully - breathe with a sense of awareness. Take a full deep breath in through your nose, fill the lungs, exhale through the mouth, repeat. Let a large sens...
Life as a traveling yogini