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Oh no! Another blog about meditation?

Meditation. It seems that everyone is talking about it and its benefits these day. So here is a little explanation of what it is, what it is not and how to go about it. 

What is Meditation

·     An effective form of relaxation and purification for the inner body/mind
·     An ancient powerful way of slowing down the frantic pace of life 
·     Like taking an internal shower that leaves you feeling refreshed, cleansed, relaxed
·     Thoughtless awareness that can be felt/practiced anywhere at any moment
·     Effortless
·     An act of being in a profound state of peace and relaxation, yet alert.

What Meditation is not 

·     An exercise or a form of concentration
·     A method to stop the thoughts from coming: that will never happen as the brain’s responsibility is to think, to create, to analyze, to plan 
·     An act of doing but rather an act of being
·     Sleeping.

What happens during 

·    .  Our aim is not to stop the mind/thoughts from coming, rather to watch them as they appear and go the same way we would look at clouds in the sky, without any judgment

·    We are the “witness” of what comes to our mind 
·     We watch one thought, become aware of it, move to the next one and so on without any justification/explanation/feeling/emotion/or objection 
·     The “monkey mind” slows down. 

Benefits of Meditation

·     Peace and calm inner state 
·     Higher level of awareness
·     Inner transformation
·     Better focus/concentration
·     Sharper mind
·     Better sleep 
·     Decrease in stress
·     Balance of the chakras (energy centers that connect body/spirit)
·      An overall more positive outlook on life
·     Deeper connection to your Divine true nature
·     Less anxiety
·     Lower heart rate
·     Improved blood circulation 

 How to Meditate

·     Sit quietly in a comfortable position. (You can also lie down but the chances of falling asleep are greater) 
·     Close your eyes 
·     Take a few long breaths
·     Observe the flow of your breath without changing it, as you naturally inhale/exhale 
·     You can mentally repeat to yourself “I aminhaling, I am exhaling” as you take thein and out breath
·     Repeat for 3/5 minutes or as long as you like and increase your practice time

Useful Tips

·      It is better to meditate 3/5 minutes daily than not to meditate at all or to meditate 20 minutes one day and 0 the next… you get my point…
·     If you are new to this you may want to sit on a cushion or have one behind your back or lean against a wall
·     When you first start turn off all distractions (phone, TV, computer, etc.) 
·     Be patient with yourself: give yourself time to become familiar with the practice. 

Types of Meditation

MANTRA Meditation

A form of meditation consisting of chanting a mantra-a repetition of sacred words- that creates a particular reverberation within body/mind. 
No, you don't have to be a "good singer" because it is not about singing, is about feeling it from the heart.  
Mantras help you create a deeper connection with that manifestation of Divine nature you most need to incorporate into your daily life to manifest abundance, wellbeing, prosperity, wealth, health, love, joy, and inner peace.
There a million types of mantra meditation out there and most of them are used incorrectly: when that happens there is no flow of energy and the benefits of the mantra are not received. 

*Connect with me to find out which mantra meditation is going to help you step up to the next level

JAPA Meditation

A deeper form of mantra meditation with the help of a mala or “necklace” usually made of 108 beads. This form of mediation can be extremely powerful for holding the vibration of each mantra repeated over time. Imagine holding in your hands an energetic tool that is always available to take you a step further on your journey to attracting more abundance, wellbeing, health, wealth, love, joy, and inner peace. 
There are several types of malas depending on which manifestation of divine nature. 

               *You will not find your specific mala on google. To truly benefit from this type of practice it is best to connect directly with an experienced spiritual guide. Connect with me to discover the most beneficial mala for you.

#meditation #spiritualguidance #higherself #japameditation #innerhealing #spirituality #energyhealing #intuitivecounseling


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