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Hi! I’m Lindsay - 
A retired environmental engineer at the ripe age of 32 with a new-found purpose and zest for life. 

It took a health crisis for my new path to find me, and I am here to share with all of you how my transformational story has helped to heal myself and so many others – I am here to share how I have ‘moved my spirit’ in this crazy, yet beautiful world we live in!

My healing journey started in September of 2016 when I got engaged with my now husband - Chad. I was 30 years old at the time. I suffered from endocrine imbalances since 15 years old, and when I hit 30 my hormones ran rampant, which had created serious inflammation in the form of cystic acne on my face, painful periods, brain fog, lethargy, and many more physical symptoms. 

Getting engaged is supposed to be one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, and all I could think about at that time was ‘How the heck am I going to heal myself so I can look and feel my best on my wedding day?!’… My engagement was the day that I decided to take back control of my health.

It was from that day forward that I promised myself I was going to get off of all prescription medications and find professionals that were going to help me find the root of the problem instead of masking it with medication. I had been on every prescription, antibiotic, and medication in the book for my chronic issues over the last 15 years, which simply masked the issue. My intuition was telling me that I could heal myself – I knew it within my soul that I could do this.  

Through my journey, I discovered a doctor of oriental medicine, naturopath, and aesthetician that took the time to get to know me and my story. For the first time, I felt like I was not put on this one-sized-fits-all medical conveyor belt, as these professionals took the time to help me find the true culprit of my systemic health issues.

Through my healing journey I performed many tests including food sensitivity and hormone testing. My hormone testing indicated that my progesterone levels were so low that I potentially would not be able to conceive. 

I discovered information about myself and my body that western medicine doctors just weren’t taking the time to investigate for me over the years. I also discovered just how many endocrine disruptors are in the products we use in our home and on our bodies on a daily basis. After going through the products I was using daily, I threw out almost ALL of them… About 90% of them had toxic ingredients that lead to endocrine disruption, which I truly believe was wreaking havoc on my body all of these years, including my prescribed medications. 

Through my quest to find safer products, I discovered Beautycounter – a disruptive beauty brand whose mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone by educating and advocating for more health protective laws. 
And I am so grateful that I discovered this company! 

My wellness transformation took time, effort, research, and investment but it was well worth the results and quality of life for me. I have cleared up my skin and completely regulated my hormones through hormone tests, food sensitivity tests, proper sleep, breaking a sweat regularly, switching to non-toxic products, acupuncture, proper supplements, and meditation. 

I now know and understand my body better than ever before and that is the most refreshing feeling of all. This inspired me to want to help others heal. I always considered myself to be a healthy person, but I allowed doctors to take my power away for so many years – instead of listening to my intuition.

Just over two years ago, Beautycounter found me, and for that I am forever grateful. I learned a wealth of information that I likely would have never learned if it wasn’t for the work that Beautycounter is doing to educate consumers about what really lies in our products to help those that suffer with allergies, cancer, infertility, hormone imbalances like myself, etc. Once I learned the horrifying truth, I could not just sit back and let others continue to suffer like I was.

Being a leader with Beautycounter has changed my life in more ways than I can even put into words. My quality of life is amazing, I am healthier, I have gained a new sense of passion, I am a leader, teacher, student, friend… I have gained new friendships from all over the country, I am part of a movement that is so much bigger than myself, we are moving mountains in the industry, and I am a resource to field people’s questions on how to safely clean up their lives and their homes. I am here to serve people, and that has been the most rewarding feeling of all.

As of March of this past year, I resigned from my decade-long career as an Environmental Engineer. I started my own wellness brand called Living Well by Lindsay with a focus on empowering people to engineer their life

I am a Senior Director with Beautycounter in the top 1% of the company and continue to remain an educator and advocate for our movement. 
What makes me tick is empowering people to become the best version of themselves. Whether it be through food, our thoughts, the products we use daily, those we choose to surround ourselves with, our professional career choices... It all plays a part in living in a true state of all encompassing wellness.

When I am not saving the environment, educating consumers about the lack of regulation in the personal care industry, and advocating for more health protective laws, you can find me traveling the world with my husband, practicing yoga with friends, and spending time with my rescue pup, Luna. 

To ‘move my spirit’ in this world for me means that I have found a path that is fulfilling and allows me to help others, while being able to focus on my own self-care and passions in life. I hope that this story about my life has both inspired and enriched yours. Remember to never let anyone take your power away – you are deserving of designing the life of your dreams – a life of health, happiness, and fulfillment. 

If you would like to get in touch with me, follow my journey, and/or explore my healthy lifestyle interventions you can email me at or find me on IG @livingwellbylindsay."


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