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How to begin a yoga home practice

Yoga does more than just improve your health, relieve stress, and promote relaxation. 

It is also a practice to gain a deeper connection with your inner self.  

I know there are days or circumstances when joining a yoga class is just impossible; 

these are the times when having a yoga-at-home practice comes in handy.

In this blog, I’d like to share how you can start practicing yoga in the comfort of your own home, anytime. 

And guess what? 

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t even need a yoga mat to get started. 

That’s right! You can practice on your floor, your carpet, a towel.

So, read on these tips to make sure that you get the best out of your yoga session at home.

Find a spot where you are the most comfortable practicing yoga

A quiet place for yoga allows you to have a solemn and peaceful session. There are those who prefer to decorate their practice room with candles and incense to get a “spiritual vibe” going on. 

When you are ready to move your body, you can choose your favorite tunes to play in the background. (If you have already practiced with me you know I am a big fan of music;) 

Whatever works best for you, please honor that. 

Place your yoga mat (the hardest pose when starting to practice ;)

Buying a good quality yoga mat is a nice investment for your practice, although it's not necessary. 

One of the functions of a yoga mat is to support your movements through its non-slip surface, most especially beneficial to those that get sweaty palms along the session or have extremely slippery floor materials. 

It can give your back a hold up against the hard floor. 

Give time to practice

One great tip is to know first if you are a morning person or a night owl. 

Then you can choose your most ideal time to practice yoga- asana. Ideally, you want to make yoga a regular part of your daily routine, so it won’t feel like “work” that you need to complete on a regular basis but rather something you enjoy and look forward to practicing.

Be attentive to what your body tells you

Pay attention to the 3 P's- pain, pinching, and pushing

One important thing to remember is not to push yourself leading to excruciating pain. Remember yoga is “no pain  no pain”. 

Start by a warm-up to condition your muscles, joints, and spine. 

Always listen to what your body tells you all throughout the practice and honor where your body is at this time in the journey. 

Practicing yoga at home is something all of us yoga enthusiasts should embrace, but let’s remember that 

yoga is so much more than just physical agility

It involves mental and spiritual practices, rules of ethics towards yourself and others, and having an intimate connection to your higher self. 

Nothing and no place can take away the role that a knowledgeable yoga instructor provides. 

If we haven’t practiced together yet, please contact me to create the best home yoga practice suitable to your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. 

your 30 min of Free Consultation are waiting for you. 

Yoga, afterall is more than just a practice. It’s an experience. 


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